
In accordance with EU Directive 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers Union law (hereinafter referred to as the EU Directive), with effect from 15.12.2023, and in accordance with Law no. 171/2023 Coll. establishes PHARMIX, s.r.o. as an obliged entity in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Directive in the following ways and rules for reporting infringements.

The company PHARMIX, s.r.o. as an obliged entity has developed an internal directive for this issue, which it publishes on its intranet in the Company folder and via the link provided in Giriton application form. The directive establishes an internal reporting system as a set of procedures for receiving, recording and processing notifications, protecting the identity of the notifier and protecting information the information contained in the notification.

Any whistleblower who, in connection with their work or other similar activity (EU Directive), becomes aware of a violation of Union rights may submit a notification in writing (electronically or in paper form) or orally - in person (within a reasonable time), by telephone or through the internal whistleblowing system 'Whistleblowing Giriton'. An unlawful act is defined as an act that has the characteristics of a criminal offence or misdemeanour, as well as an act a violation of a legal regulation governing certain defined areas (e.g. corporate income tax, public procurement, competition, processing of personal data, environment, consumer protection, and other areas defined exhaustively by law).

The identity of the whistleblower is protected information and the person concerned is bound by confidentiality. The form in the attendance system can be used for notification, or the method of notification can be agreed with the person concerned.

Contact details of the person responsible for receiving and processing notifications:

Person in charge: Dagmar Malenovská
Address: 2446 Sokolská Street, 760 01 Zlín
Phone: +420 577 011 458

Notifications submitted in writing must be in a sealed envelope which must be legibly marked 'WHISTLEBLOWING - DO NOT OPEN'; in the hands of the authorised person only.

PHARMIX s. r. o.

Na Sádkách 2798
767 01 Kroměříž
Czech republic

The company is registered in the commercial register at the Regional Court in Brno, section C, insert 36593
Date of entry: February 29, 2000

Pharmix s. r. o. 2023 © MADE WITH BY ANTONINULMAN.CZ